Winchester Conference

February 12, 2023

This conference saw Earwig Ambassadors from a wide range of schools, and with differing levels of experience, all sharing and contributing to a day that began with a review of some of the most important features that had been added to Earwig recently.  Everyone found a number of things that they hadn't spotted from announcements, etc, so took away many things to implement or explore further.

For the first time, we invited Ambassadors to share with the conference their approaches to key activities. Rachel Eggar from Step-by-Step school presented how they report against IEPs to parents and we reviewed a presentation from Addington School about how they work hard to move parents from ‘Unengaged’ to ‘Interested’ to ‘Engaged’ and finally to ‘Involved’.  This proved highly valuable as it allowed experts to present to other experts, and for useful discussions to follow which resulted in delegates taking away new ways of thinking.

And finally, we began an exploration of key features that schools might like to see emerge in Earwig in due course.  Obtaining this type of 'steer' from practitioners is a key aspect of Earwig development.