What the Experts Say

Sure, we’re going to say good things about earwig. we’re biased. so we thought you’d like to hear what the very un-biased national press, education experts and awarding bodies have been saying about us too…

Produce exactly the report style you want  -  data laden and informative or illustrative and engaging  -  or both. All automatically produced, so all you have to do is add your words of wisdom.

Take all the pain out of producing Annual Review reports - whichever local authorities you work with.
What the press say

What teachers say about Earwig

Smaller Settings
More Testimonials
Hundreds of special schools across the country have a lot of great things to say about Earwig.
You can find some of those independent reviews and ratings on EdTech impact.

What the DfE says about Earwig for SEND

Recent pronouncements and ‘guidance’ from the DfE have done nothing to reduce teacher workloads. In fact, the move away from ‘Levels’ towards individualised, EHCP-based target setting and the addition of the Engagement Model for children with profound and multiple difficulties have added a further layer of work on an already stretched system.

One of the reasons they have done this is that they are aware of the fact that modern software can make the whole process easier, faster, more accurate and better presented. They have made it clear in two recent publications that this is the way they expect schools to keep on top of their evidence and assessment load.

Government departments are very careful not to recommend any commercial educational suppliers in official documents. So we were very pleased when, in the 2018 report on the Engagement Pilot Study, they specifically mentioned Earwig as a suggested route to more efficient and effective assessment, tracking and reporting.
See the latest recommendations from the dfe about the use of technology

What the education industry says

We were delighted to be shortlisted as one of six finalists for the Best SEN Resource Award at the 2016  BESA Education Resources Awards. SEN is an important area of education for Earwig. Earwig is in many SEN schools as it is far easier to track evidence of therapies and non-academic progress using images and video than written reports. One of our Co-Founders, Emilie-Kate has a son with SEN so it’s a need close to our hearts.
It feels good to win, doesn’t it! In Sept 2015 we were announced as the winner of the Best Resource Overall award at the Teach Secondary Technology & Innovation Awards. This award meant a lot as not only are they very high-profile but we are pleased to be recognised as a software just as well suited to all levels of school education, not just primary school.
One of our founders, Emilie-Kate Kidd was selected as one of five finalists for the Editor’s Choice award in the prestigious Women in IT awards the largest and most prominent women-in-technology event in the UK. Other finalists came from corporations such as Barclays, Vodafone, Unilever and Virgin.
One of course we’re pleased to be nominated for any award but this one was particularly sweet as this one was from the internationally recognised tech magazine The Inquirer who shortlisted Earwig as ICT company of the year for the The Inquirer Magazine’s Tech Hero awards 2015 just on the merits of its innovative and cutting edge technology alone.
BETT is a big deal as anyone in Education knows. So to be shortlisted for an ICT company of the year BETT award in our second year of trading was a wonderful surprise.
What do you say when the Department of Education calls you up to ask if they can use Earwig in a video as an example of how technology is improving education? Well you don’t say no!

If even the highest level of Education authority in the UK thinks we’re a good job – we’re on the right track!
We were delighted to be featured in The Daily Telegraph, twice!The first article called Earwig “The app that is lightening the load for hard-pressed teachers” and the second, a year later, “Earwig gets a good end-of-school report”.
In July 2015 The Sunday Times ran a huge feature on Earwig and called us “A business that is changing how schools operate”.

The article likened Earwig to innovative businesses such as Uber or Spotify which have changed the way life operates.It was well timed too as it gave us great publicity towards our crowdfunding with Crowdcube and enabled us to raise enough investment for the next round of software development.
We received a 5 star rave review by The Educational App Store in 2015 who said Earwig was: “An incredible system for schools to streamline and revolutionise reporting and parental engagement”.


If your school isn’t using Earwig - I urge you to give it a go, you will thank Earwig, and me!
I have now got Earwig up and running and we are LOVING it. I also really appreciate how helpful and lovely all those I have interacted with from the company are - one very happy customer!
Abbie Palache, Headteacher,
Ofsted loved the Earwig software and we are so pleased to say that we have gone up a grade.
We had an inspection last week and the report mentions how we are using Earwig and how well it is supporting the school. It says the evidence that Earwig has been able to provide us supported their judgements of Outstanding!
We were able to use Earwig extensively in our Ofsted inspection to show the progress of our pupils – particularly the photos and videos and I’m delighted to share that Dryden maintained its ‘Outstanding’ status. Obviously great news for us.
Elizabeth Johnson,
Dryden School, Gateshead
Yes, we were outstanding again! We used Earwig to show the pupil evidence to match the curriculum areas that they looked at as part of the deep dive.
Sue Hewitt, Head Teacher,
Beacon Hill School, Essex
Ofsted loved Earwig, how focused we were on the EHCP and the evidence against it, we gave them automatic Earwig reports. Ofsted said it was “fabulous".
It’s very exciting. I’ve never seen teachers so excited about evidence and assessment.
The most impressive feature of Earwig is its flexibility. With the help and support of the Earwig team we have created and adapted our own assessment frameworks with relative ease. Earwig has had a very positive impact at our school and the phrase that commonly comes to mind is ‘one-stop shop’.
William Webster, Deputy Head,
Ickburgh School, London
I would like to thank you for with how well Earwig is going - staff can’t believe how useful and easy to use it is.
During our Ofsted inspection it helped us so much that we had Earwig. Especially the EHCP focus and the communication that the parents know what’s happening and we’re following the EHCP targets. Ofsted really liked that.
Students loved the Student Portfolio module and they uploaded all their own work. Assessor said the system was ‘absolutely exceptional'.
Yesterday was a revelation. The office has been buzzing with talk this morning! Earwig is full of potential both for Sweet Dreams Nursery and for the wider international work RL-International do.
Feedback from my teachers is that baselining has saved so much work for them.
Anthony Carlo,
St John’s School
Our inspection went really well. Earwig was great and we were able to show how we progress the children. We showed the statements and how we track their progress and how this will improve in the future. Earwig was a huge success.
I love the report panel, incredibly time saving, it’s so simple I can even delegate it, it’s amazing!
Earwig is brilliant!
We are certainly happy to recommend the software and do so (as opportunities arise) at networking events and conferences.  I have even recommended Earwig on Twitter.
I am delighted by quality of communication and engagement with Earwig.
Earwig Academic is a game changer.
The Sunday Times
The app that is lightening the load for hard-pressed teachers.
The Daily Telegraph