The first earwig ambassador’s local conference

December 12, 2023
Earwig Academic

Our National Earwig Conference in June was up north this year, among the Lancashire fells. It was a great success and the delegates agreed that it would be good idea to hold a few more ‘local’ get-togethers for Heads, Deputies, Assessment Coordinators, Earwig Admins, Earwig Ambassadors and other assorted keen Earwig-ites.

The first of these will be aimed at schools in the South of England and we’ve chosen beautiful Winchester as the site. The Winchester Hotel is a perfect venue. Not only super-smart, but with an equally smart spa right there, on the premises.

The event is held to give us an opportunity to talk to the senior people from Earwig client schools about how Earwig can improve, to provide special school staff with an even better and more feature-rich experience with the software and to save schools money by making sure that their staff are working as efficiently as possible.

It takes a whole day and extends to dinner in the evening and an overnight stay, so delegates can enjoy the evening to the full. We even have a special deal on spa treatments, to make the whole thing more memorable.

The event will be hosted by Roland Bugler, who will be familiar to many schools and will focus on opportunities and issues that he is dealing with among the 80+ schools that he supports. The schedule, and the agenda for the meetings is included below. There will be a lot to cover, as always, and attendees will get a CPD certificate at the end of it, to verify the hard work put in.

To find out more click here