One of the new questions recently added to the Ofsted Inspection Framework is ‘What have you done to reduce staff workloads?’.
Earwig makes pupil management administration easier, faster and better, across the board. But there is a danger that, when you introduce new software and processes, output increases and workload stays the same. So let’s highlight three areas where the time saving is so great that even with an increase in output, staff will find themselves with more free time than they currently have.
The first group that will save time with Earwig are teachers and teaching assistants. The Earwig app make evidence capture a breeze. So you can take more evidence, organise it much better, and still have time left over of other more productive things. Word-of-mouth evidence suggests that, on average, teachers save 45 minutes a week. But this will vary a lot!
The second group are senior teachers and those responsible for the production of pupil reports. The report generator produces exactly the style of report that you need, with all the data filled in, so you just add your words of wisdom. So much easier and quicker.
The last group in the staff room who will really save a lot of time is the SLT. The Earwig analytical engine allows leaders to analyse the performance of any pupil cohort for any subject or curriculum and to produce whatever tables and charts are required, with a few clicks. When you have Earwig in place, your holidays really are holidays!